How do I add the Gusto widget to my Lili account?

Integrating Gusto with Lili not only enables you to view upcoming payments directly within your Lili account, but also helps you understand if your account has the funds to cover your next payments. You’re able to see all relevant details about your next scheduled Gusto payment via Lili, including the amount, payment date, and the funds available to cover the payment. Increased visibility over your payments keeps you in control of your payroll and helps you manage your cash flow precisely.

Connect to Gusto from Lili - Web

  1. Sign in to Lili.
  2. Go to the App Center (using the menu on the left of the dashboard page)
  3. Under the payroll section choose “Gusto” 
  4. Click the “Connect Gusto” button
  5. Enter your Gusto credentials and click the sign in button
  6. Click the Authorize button so Lili can show data from your Gusto account in the business tab
  7. Once connected, you will see a success message in the app center and a Gusto widget will be added to your dashboard

Connect to Gusto from Lili - Mobile

  1. Log in to Lili.
  2. Go to the App Center (using the side menu)
  3. Under the payroll section choose “Gusto” 
  4. Click the “Connect Gusto” button
  5. Enter your Gusto credentials and click the sign in button
  6. Click the Authorize button so Lili can show data from your Gusto account in the business tab
  7. Once connected, you will see a success message in the app center and a Gusto widget will be added to your Business tab.

How do I sync the data to/from Gusto?

The payroll data will be updated every time you enter the widget. 



Lili is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services are provided by Sunrise Banks, N.A., Member FDIC. The Lili Visa® Debit Card is issued by Sunrise Banks, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A., Inc. The Card may be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted.

Wire Transfer services are provided by Column Bank N.A., Member FDIC. All wires are subject to acceptance criteria and risk-based review and may be rejected at the sole discretion of Column Bank N. A. or Lili App Inc.