When applying for a Lili account you will be prompted to enter your home address and business address, if you are listing a business, such as an LLC or S Corp, on the account.
- The home address must be a residential address, and not a P.O. Box or commercial mailbox.
- If you have a registered business, the business address must be the physical address where you operate your business, and not your registered agent's address, which is the address at which legal notices are sent to your business.
If any individual owns 25% or more of your business, you will be required to add personal information for each such owner, including their residential address. Again, this must be a physical address and not a P.O. Box or commercial mailbox.
Lili is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services are provided by Choice Financial Group, Member FDIC, or Sunrise Banks, N.A., Member FDIC. The Lili Visa® Debit Card is issued by Choice Financial Group, Member FDIC, or Sunrise Banks, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A., Inc. Please see the back of your Card for its issuing bank. The Card may be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Wire Transfer service provided by Column Bank N.A., Member FDIC. All wires are subject to acceptance criteria and risk-based review and may be rejected at the sole discretion of Column Bank N. A. or Lili App Inc.