Application Process
How do I open a Lili Business Checking account?
You can apply for a Lili account here (it takes less than 3 minutes!). Li...
What information is required during the application process?
When applying for a Lili account, you will be asked to provide the follow...
Do I need a driver's license or passport to apply?
Yes. Before applying for a Lili account, please prepare any government is...
Can I apply for an account with an EIN instead of an SSN?
If you are a sole proprietor, you can apply with your SSN.Any other busin...
What business types are supported by Lili?
Lili supports the following business types: - Sole Proprietor - Sole Pro...
What business types are not supported by Lili?
The following is a list of the business types that Lili doesn't currently...
How long does it take for an application to be reviewed?
A decision is provided upon completion of the application for a Lili chec...
How do I apply if my business has multiple owners?
When applying for a Lili account and your business has multiple owners, L...
Can businesses or owners living outside the United States have a Lili account?
At the present time, only business owners residing within the United Stat...
Is my credit history checked when applying for a Lili account?
When applying for a Lili checking account, an individual's credit history...
What is a Letter of Reinstatement?
The "Letter of Reinstatement" is for the business registration with the S...
Who is Lili's partner bank?
Lili accounts are provided by Sunrise Banks, N.A., and is the issuer of L...
Does Lili require a minimum deposit in order to open an account?
No minimum deposit is required to open a Lili account. Lili is a fin...
Why might my application be denied?
Lili uses several proprietary and third-party software during the applica...
Why is the application rejecting my address?
To verify your identity and the identity of your business, Lili has a str...